So Just What Can You Bring to Mexico as a Traveler?

What Can You Bring into Mexico?
The full list of allowable items you can bring into Mexico as a traveler is listed on the customs entry form.
In general, a visitor can bring into Mexico per person:
Goods for personal use, such as clothing, footwear and toiletries and beauty products, provided that they are in accordance with the duration of the trip, including a bridal trousseau, baby items, such as chair, portable crib, stroller, walker, among others, including their accessories.
Two photographic or video recording cameras; photographic material; 3 portable cellular telephony or other wireless networks; a global positioning equipment (GPS); an electronic agenda; a portable computer equipment of the so-called laptop, notebook, omnibook or similar; a portable copier or printer; a burner and a portable projector, with their accessories.
Two personal sports equipment, four fishing rods, 3 sliders with or without sail and their accessories, trophies or recognitions, provided that they can be transported commonly and normally by the passenger.
A portable device for recording or reproducing sound or mixed; or two digital image and sound recording or playback and a portable DVD player; a team of portable speakers, and their accessories.
Five laser discs, 10 DVD discs, 30 compact discs, 3 software packages and five storage devices for any electronic equipment.
Books, magazines and printed documents.
Five toys, including collectible ones, and a video game console, as well as five video games.
A device to measure blood pressure and one to measure glucose or mixed and its reagents, as well as medications for personal use (in case of psychotropic substances the prescription must be shown).
Velices, pouches, trunks and suitcases or any other item necessary for the transfer of luggage.
A binocular and a telescope.
Two musical instruments and their accessories.
A tent and other camping items.
A set of hand tools with its case, which will include a drill, tweezers, keys, dice, disassemblers, power cables, among others.
Passengers over 18 years of age, a maximum of 10 packs of cigarettes, 25 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco; up to 3 litres of alcoholic beverages and 6 litres of wine.
Older adults and people with disabilities, items that by their characteristics supplant or reduce their limitations, such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, canes, among others.
In addition, you can import, without paying taxes, up to 3 pets or pets that you bring with you, such as cats, dogs, canaries, hamsters, cuya, Australian parakeets, nymphs, ferrets, parakeets, turtles, small wild birds (except raptors), as well as the accessories they require for their transfer and grooming, provided that you present to the customs staff the animal health certificate for their import, issued by SADER; in the case of wildlife animals, you must also present the Verification Registry issued by PROFEPA, which verifies compliance with the regulation or non-tariff restriction to which they are subject.
In addition, each person can bring $500.00 in new items in traveling by air or sea, or $300.00 if traveling by land (receipts required).The following goods are NOT allowed to enter under the duty exemption: Alcoholic beverages, Manufactured tobacco, Automotive fuel, except the contained in the fuel tank of your vehicle.
Other items are subject to tax over a certain amount, which varies by time of year (more is permitted at holidays so that gifts can be imported).
Prescription drugs are permitted with support documentation. The documentation should include the patient’s name and a description of the medication.
Guns and ammo are not permitted. It is a serious crime to have guns or ammo in Mexico.
Visit the Mexican Customs Web site at for more details and updated list
May 24, 2022