Hurricane Odile Update- Things are getting better fast

I was in the Los Cabos Airport on October 11. Re Terminal 2-the Main Terminal: The check-in area is fully functional with only the escalator not working. Above are photos of the waiting area. All shops in the waiting areas were open except for the VIP lounge and the duty free shop (which appears to simply have gone out of business). I saw only one broken window in the waiting area, and none in the check -in area. I saw several planes land and disembark on the Terminal 2 ramps, just like normal. Terminal 1, the older smaller terminal was closed with a lot of workers working on it. It appeared quite damaged.
Downtown Cabo San Lucas is well cleaned up, with about 80% of the shops re-opened. A cruise ship came in on the 10th and another on the 11th, but the streets are quite bare of people at present. Saw someone playing golf at Campestre on the way to the airport.
Worst hit the were the car dealerships with their large windows. All of the dealerships are blown out.
There are still CFE trucks and Telmex workers everywhere.
October 12, 2014