What Are Mexico’s Fishing Regulations?
Mexico’s version of Fish and Game is Conapesca. Visit Conapesca’s English language Website for up to date regulations.
How to Obtain Mexican Fishing Licenses?
Most charter companies will assist you in getting your fishing licenses. It is usually done the morning of the charter. Also, applications for Mexican sportfishing licenses can be obtained at the Mexico Department of Fisheries office, located in San Diego (619) 233-6956. The office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.
What Gear is Needed?
It’s not necessary as most charter boats have fishing gear . However, serious fishermen can bring their own gear . See our travel guide page and what you can bring.
What Should Be Brought on the Charter?
Start with sun protection. Sunblock, preferably waterproof, and a good hat are a minimum requirement. Bring some form of legal ID. Confirm with the charter provider what food and drinks are to be provided, if any, and add what you desire. If you’re susceptible to sea sickness, bring some Dramamine or similar meds, in addition to taking them the night before and again in the morning before you get on the boat. Be careful about this as they may put you to sleep.
Should the Crew be Tipped?
As a rule, the size of the tip depends on what you caught. Even if you catch nothing a tip is still expected, though. It is common to provide excess fish to the crew to sell or share with their family, as well.
Can Fish be Taken Home?
Frozen or smoked fish may be taken home. Only hard-sided coolers can be used to transport frozen fish. Do not warp it up until it is check in time. Bring duct tape or other wrapping to pack up and re-pack the cooler, after any inspection. No ice can be packed in with the fish. Airline baggage and weight limits will still apply. For processing of the fish for the flight home, you can filet, vacuum pack and freeze or smoke the fish.
Cabo Fishing Guide A to Z